In this powerful message titled “One Thing You Lack,” Rev. Eric Kwayisi delves into the profound encounter between Jesus and the rich young ruler, as recorded in the Gospels. The rich young ruler, a man who seemingly had it all—wealth, status, and a righteous lifestyle—approaches Jesus with a pressing question: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Jesus, recognizing the young man’s sincerity, tells him to keep the commandments, which the ruler claims to have observed since his youth. But then, Jesus offers a challenge that pierces to the heart of the matter: “One thing you lack. Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Rev. Eric Kwayisi explores the deeper implications of this command, revealing that it was not just about material possessions, but about the condition of the young man’s heart. In this message, Rev. Kwayisi emphasizes that true discipleship requires total surrender to Jesus—letting go of anything that hinders our relationship with Him.
Key Takeaways:
- The Illusion of Fulfillment: The rich young ruler had everything the world could offer, yet he still felt a deep void, illustrating that material wealth can never satisfy the soul’s longing for eternal purpose.
- The Cost of Discipleship: Jesus’ command to sell everything wasn’t just about giving up wealth; it was about removing any obstacle that stands between us and fully following Him.
- Treasures in Heaven: Rev. Kwayisi challenges listeners to consider where their true treasure lies. Are we clinging to temporary earthly possessions, or are we storing up eternal treasures in heaven?
- The Call to Follow: Ultimately, the message is a call to radical obedience and wholehearted devotion to Jesus, who invites us to follow Him on the path to eternal life.
This message is a stirring reminder that in the pursuit of eternal life, it is not what we possess but what we are willing to surrender that matters. “One Thing You Lack” will inspire you to examine your own life and consider what Jesus might be asking you to lay down to follow Him more fully.